Battle, Earn & Grow
At the beginning of the game, each Hero selects exactly four warriors to be staged in the player's yard. The goal of the battle is to be the first to reach the Treasure!
Modes 🎮
A Warrior can be deployed into battle:
Player vs. Environment (PvE) --> Fend off enemy attacks, while ensuring all of your Warriors reach the Treasure faster than anyone else
Player vs. Player (PvP) --> Go head-to-head with other Heroes in a battle of epic proportions, while ensuring all of your Warriors reach the Treasure faster than your opponent.
The battle is inspired from the popular game, Ludo / Parqués
Each PvP & PvE battle is for specified duration or turns. The players enter their Warriors one per turn on their respective arena and proceed to race them clockwise around the arena along the game track. Each turn needs to be made in a specific time.
The rolls of a single die control the swiftness of the Warriors. As the Warrior moves on the track, it accumulates score based on the number of moves made.
If the Warrior lands on a tile occupied by the opponent, opponents Warrior gets killed and your Warrior absorbs the score of the opponent Warrior. The killed Warrior goes back to its starting position.
When reaching the square below home column, a player continues by moving Warriors up the column to the finishing square. Entry into the finishing square requires a precise roll from the player. Warrior gets a 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x score for each of their Warriors getting to home.
If two Warriors are on the same tile, they create a safe zone and cannot get killed.
An extra dice roll can be made in the following scenarios:
Rolling a 6
Killing an opponents Warrior
One of the Warriors reaching home
Battle ends in the following scenarios:
All 4 Warriors reach home
The other player doesn't make a move 3 times during the stipulated time.
Overall game time is over.
In order for players to send their Warriors to battle, each Warrior will need to have enough Stamina, and players will need to have enough Energy.
Energy ⚡️
Energy determines how frequently a player can engage in battle with their Warriors
1 Energy = 1 Game
Each player with 4 Warriors has an Energy cap of 8. The energy replenishes 25% every 6 hours until it reaches the Energy Cap. To increase their Energy cap, players can buy more Warriors (details will be announced soon)
Stamina determines how intensely a player can engage in battle with their Warriors
Each Warrior starts at 100% stamina when minted. The rate at which a Warrior consumes stamina in battle is dependent on endurance.
The higher the endurance, the lower the stamina that gets consumed. The lower the endurance, the higher the stamina that gets consumed.
When stamina gets consumed, players will be able to replenish it back to 100% by spending BOLT.
Players are incentivised to keep endurance of their Warriors high, so that they consume less stamina, and are ultimately more efficient and effective in battle, with greater rewards at the end of it.
Victory in battle brings with it great rewards, including the in-game currency - BOLT.
BOLT tokens can be used to upgrade a Warrior and bolster their abilities. BOLT tokens can also be used to acquire more Warriors to increase odds of success in battle.
In doing so, Warriors will become that much more prepared for battle, giving them an advantage over their opponent, especially if they choose against reinvesting their rewards.
Users earn BOLT rewards with each gameplay proportional to the following factors:
Surge multiplier based on Power of Warrior
Stamina of the Warrior at onset
Net moves of the Warrior (Score)
Game Result
Stamina of Warrior --> Players are incentivised to keep the stamina of their Warriors high, as BOLT earnings are penalised if they don't:
The sum of BOLT tokens earned for each Warrior is tallied, and then multiplied with the Game Result to calculate the total BOLT earnings.
Game Result --> Impact of the result on the game earnings.
Level-up Warrior
The quantum of points rewarded per level up, to allocate towards an ability, is dependent on the rarity of the Warrior -->
Upgrading Level also comes with additional benefits at higher ranks
Rank 5
To be published
Rank 10
To be published
Rank 15
To be published
Rank 20
To be published
Rank 30
To be published
Rank 50
To be published
Recruitment (Breeding)
Players in Legends of Ludo will be able to mint new Warriors using existing Warriors through a process called 'Recruitment'.
Recruitment events will become available to Warriors as they progress through various game levels, and will cost a certain amount of BOLT and USDC.
(More details to be published soon)
Bonding (Crafting)
Players in Legends of Ludo will be able to craft new Warriors by combining 2 Warriors of the same quality to produce a Warrior of higher quality.
The 2 Warriors utilised in the process will be burnt following the bonding event.
Bonding events will become available to Warriors as they progress through various game levels, and will cost a certain amount of BOLT and USDC.
(More details to be published soon)
Last updated